Covid 19 support works

Covid 19 support works

Covid 19 is a pandemic which affects the people worldwide. All the people, whether rich or poor, are equally affected by it. We, St Josephs Service Society work among the poor and always stand for the poor. So we felt it is our duty to help the poor people during this pandemic and we have chosen the San Joe Puram and surrounding 20 villages which is where the poor people resides. We have found that the people here affects of the scarcity of food and nutrients. They strive hard for earning some at their level best but its not easy to find a way for during this term. So we, St Josephs Service Society joining hand with Caritas India have opted to help them with distribution of food and food kits. We opted the villages as per the criteria of selecting the most affected one in each sector.

  • The women headed
  • The one with children below the age of 14
  • The family which has a differently able or bed ridden member
  • The family with no means of stable income
  • The one who were marginalized in the society
  • The one who are in the streets
  • The one who is wandering around

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