Future Plans

Future Plans

This project envisages setting of hubs of SANJOE SOCIAL INSTITUTES and SANJOE INSTITUTES OF EDUCATION to cater to the requirement of people belonging to the weaker sections of the Society. The project is titled SANJOE INSTITUTES FOR SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION. It envisages providing an impetus in the transformation of the society The Project consist of setting up a hub of Social Institutes and Educational institutions to take care of the basic educational and health care requirements of the people belonging to the weaker sections of the society. By teaching them how to earn their livelihood and become self reliant through this complete cycle of education we expect to bring up the standard of living of the weaker sections. Talented students from the economically weaker sections will be given free higher education so that their dreams are fulfilled and they are able to contribute back to Nation and especially to the weaker sections of the Society. The project locations will be in the National capital Region of Delhi which has got a very high concentration of people belonging to low income group, migrant population from rural areas across the country who come to the NCR in search of livelihood and existence. SANJOE INSTITUTES FOR SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION

Various locations with high concentration of people of low income group are identified in Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh and the Society will set up a Social institute and Institute of Education in these locations. Each of the Sanjoe Social Institutes consist of

  • Primary Health Centre
  • Crèche
  • Night Shelter home for the neglected children,
  • Working women’s hostel
  • Rehabilitation home for the released prisoners
  • Home for the terminally ill and the aged

Each Sanjoe Institute of Education consists of

  • Inclusive school
  • Non-formal education of the poor
  • Hostels for the disabled, destitute and the neglected students
  • Vocational training center
  • Industrial Training Institutes
  • Polytechnics


– Infant Jesus Sr Sec School

  •    Started in the year 1997, with three children in the nursery section   
  •    The school focuses on “Inclusive education” which  enables pupils with various disabilities to participate in the curriculum of mainstream education to the best of their abilities.  Children with special needs attend the regular classes, where teachers with special training, work together with the subject teachers. The children with special needs learn not only from the teachers but also from other children. The other children also get used to the reality and learn to love, respect and help children with disabilities.
  •    English medium, co-educational and CBSE syllabus
  •    Laboratory, library, aerobics, sports, arts & crafts
  •    Music and Dance that promote the concept of ‘inclusion’
  •    Computer education including special programmes and software for the visually impaired & mentally  challenged
  •    Physical education that are disabled friendly